I had to start on the Republicans sometime!
I keep seeing this on TV, and this mashed together mess of Republican catch phrases gets funnier each time. It is totally incoherent.
"As a prisoner of war, John McCain was inspired by Ronald Reagan." Huh? Like...while in solitary confinement in Vietnam he achieved the power to see into the future? Or did he hold onto the image of then Governor Ronald Reagan as a way to keep a grasp on his sanity during his long imprisonment? If that's what he's fantasizing about in solitary, I think his base might have some issues with that.
"The leadership and experience to call for the surge strategy in Iraq - which is working." Who wrote this? That has to be the worst constructed sentence I've heard since 2nd grade. Who is the subject of this sentence? I like how they throw in a quick "which is working" quickly at the end, as if its a "limited time offer."
I really hope this commercial doesn't speak to the intellectual level of the base conservative voters McCain is trying to convince he is a real Republican, but I'm very very scared that's exactly what it does.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
McCain's New Ad: The Worst Written Commercial In History?
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Its easy to bash McCain for attempting to reach out to the midless morons that make up the "conservative base". They are exactly that: "base". It's something he has to do to get nominated. You should be encouraged that he does a shitty job of it. The conservative media -- Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Hannity, Coulter - hate his f-ing guts. I listened to Glenn Beck today on FM national syndicated radio explain how McCain and Huckabee (who is from Arkansas -- no coincidence) are part of a Liberal/Clinton conspiracy to elect a liberal republican. He went so far as to say that McCains nomination would herald and necessitate a new "Christian Conservative" third party. Ann Coulter said she would vote for Hillary over McCain: "if McCain wins, Hillary is my girl" on national television (FOX on teh Sean Hannity show). I would be careful about blowing McCain off as a "republican" in the incompetent, pandering, greedy, Bush/Cheney mode. He is his own guy, he's honest -- more so than Hillary, and he has conviction. If Obama wins, fine -- vote for him. Hopefully he'll be the next Bobby Kennedy. If Hillary wins, are you really going to vote for a lying, vindictive, DIVISIVE, power - hungry, crone with no real vision? With McCain, you have a candidate willing to break from party politics and the RIGHT/LEFT false dichotomy thrust upon us (vis a vis John Stewart on the now defunct Crossfire -- watch the video if you haven't) to keep us in line and stifle intelligent discourse. McCain is the kind of guy who would pass legislature with Obama in the senate. Hillary "crushes" her opponents (see nytimes editorial about how she stifled an alternative but similar healthcare plan advocated by a fellow democratic senator back in the 90's).
Hillary is WAY, WAY worse than McCain for this country. Hillary in office = more of the same right/left BS. McCain in office = a small step forward for this country.
@ Chris: This post is mostly about a horrible (and hilarious) abuse of the English language. It's ridiculous that someone who is running for president -which is working - would ever approve this message.
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