Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ask Not What JFK Can Do For Obama

Frank Rich's latest at the NY Times is interesting and wide ranging as always, discussing the JFK/Obama comparisons:

Before John F. Kennedy was a president, a legend, a myth and a poltergeist stalking America’s 2008 campaign, he was an upstart contender seen as a risky bet for the Democratic nomination in 1960...“He had to touch the secret fears and ambivalent longings of the American heart, divine and speak to the desires of a swiftly changing nation — his message grounded on his own intuition of some vague and spreading desire for national renewal.”

And some interesting tidbits about Clinton I wasn't aware of:
You’d never know from Mrs. Clinton’s criticisms of subprime lenders that one of the most notorious, Countrywide, was a client as recently as October of Burson-Marsteller, the public relations giant where her chief strategist, Mark Penn, is the sitting chief executive. Other high-level operatives in her campaign belong to Dewey Square Group, an outfit that just last year provided lobbying services for Countrywide.

Plus a discussion about how Obama's policy of "transparency" is really a method to reveal and then hopefully change, the influence of special interests.

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