Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What do Republicans fear? (Hint: It ain't Hillary)

Look guys, I'm not making this up. I keep saying it, but people don't buy it: justified or not Republicans unite in hating Hillary. Whereas Obama has the potential to pull in moderate Republican votes. And the Republicans fear him. Check this article "Hillary the lesser threat to McCain" from the conservative newspaper Washington Times. Some choice quotes:

Pollster John Zogby agreed, saying, "Obama does better against McCain than Hillary does because she is so polarizing. ... A lot of people will simply be voting against her."
"Hillary Clinton will help drive conservatives and independents McCain's way overnight," said Republican strategist Scott Reed. "I believe that would be a more attractive race for Republicans."
Or this mean spirited, ugly entry from the conservative blog "RedState" about Obama, which at least illuminates their mindset (these guys are NEVER going to vote for someone they call the "She Devil"):

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but this guy freakin' scares me to death.

I don't agree with the vast majority of his public-policy positions, and yet I still find myself getting sucked in when he speaks.

I understand all of the reasons why Obama shouldn't win the presidency even if he ends up being the dem nominee, but something tells me we should all start praying that the She-Devil pulls this thing out.

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