So Wisconsin is the next big state voting on Tuesday. And today the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel announced their endorsement of Obama (following visits from both candidates). Here's some of what they have to say:
There is only the tiniest sliver of daylight separating Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the issues, with the notable exception of health care reform...The similarity of views is, in truth, why the candidates return so much to the themes of change and experience...Obama still has the edge. His experience as community organizer, state legislator, U.S. senator and campaigner who took a dream and became a credible contender measures up well against Clinton's experience as poverty lawyer, first lady and U.S. senator...In an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Editorial Board on Wednesday, the first-term senator proved himself adept at detail and vision. They are not mutually exclusive...In Clinton, there is the potential for déjà vu all over again. Right or wrong, she is a polarizing figure who excites all the wrong kinds of political passions...And much of the antagonism she engenders in the right is simply irrational.And my friend Jackson has forwarded this article "Wisconsin Should Be A Showdown" analyzing the Clinton campaign's efforts in that state and why an Obama victory is far from a foregone conclusion.
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