Andrew Sullivan has a valuable analysis of what some perceive to be Obama's messianic tendencies, centered around his line "We are the ones we've been waiting for." As Sullivan points out:
The phrase is actually a self-indictment as well as a self-congratulation. The point is surely that we shouldn't wait for someone else to save us, or lift us up, or fix our problems or address our fate. We are the only ones who can do this. And we're responsible for our own failure. The sentence is actually a criticism of Obama's own supporters.I think its also worth looking at Obama's own website, in the section about Service:
What makes Obama's liberalism different from both the technocratic meliorism of the Clintons and the 1970s big government liberalism that preceded it is that it is an inclusive, self-help kind of liberalism. It is participatory, not passive. It is not about government saving us; it is about us saving the government.
I won't just ask for your vote as a candidate; I will ask for your service and your active citizenship when I am president of the United States. This will not be a call issued in one speech or program; this will be a cause of my presidency.And breaks down his plans to help "Enable Americans to Serve to Meet the Nation's Challenges." Remember the guy did spend the beginning of his career as a community organizer - this is what he's about.