Monday, January 28, 2008

Say Chowda!

Highlights from Teddy Kennedy's endorsement of Obama at American University (along with Caroline Kennedy) - site of one of JFK's most famous speeches. It was pretty moving, and you can tell Ted is juiced.

He makes sure to specifically counter a lot of the Clinton claims - saying Obama is ready from day one, was always against the war (as he was), etc.

Full speeches:
Obama's acceptance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The speeches given at American University put it all in place. A moment of what inclusiveness looks and feels like. Inspiration is just that. The belief that we are capable of using our influence as well as our power of innovation for the betterment of not just Amerika but for "All of God's Children" is alive and well. We are a diverse group who will commit to taking action (like supporting this blog) as well as contributing cash, creativity and sweat equity to grow the dream of equality and prosperity for all.