Saturday, January 26, 2008

Long time reader, first time writer

Hi Everyone,

Not trying to start any major blog project right now, but I've just found myself emailing a lot of articles that I've found on my internet travels around recently, especially as the elections are upon us. I thought maybe I'd just put up a site where I could link to some of these articles rather than just keep forwarding them around. 

As of this writing, I'm pretty pro-Obama, made more so by some of the divisive political hijinks the Clinton team have been up to the last couple of weeks, which have really angered me. If you're up in the air, or find yourself asking "what hijinks is he referring to," or are unconvinced by Obama (as I was until recently), please check back here to at least read (or watch) some of these links. I hope to at least be a good source of material that will at least make you think.

Doubt you'd be reading this if you didn't know me, but if you don't: I'm a politics geek. Growing up in a family where my parents always read the paper, watched the nightly news, and dad screamed at the sunday morning talk shows, through developing an internet/information addiction especially during bush v. gore, 9-11 and the '04 election - to three years working with Bill Moyers, where I think I really got my political "wonk" degree. I browse a lot of places and I see some things, so maybe I'd be an interesting info filter for someone who doesn't have the time or inclination to do so.

PS: Though I'm initally focussing on Campaign '08 I'm a geek of many disciplines also including music, movies and television, so there may be some overlap as far as my posts go. 

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