Sunday, January 27, 2008

Anything To Win

So here's what happened: Michigan & Florida moved their primaries up early in the election season. The Democratic party wasn't happy and the party (and tacitly, the candidates) agreed that the delegates from those states would not be counted. Obama and Edwards weren't even on the ballot in Michigan (although Clinton still only got 55% of the DEMOCRATIC vote - 40% chose to vote for "uncommitted"), so those delegates go to her. She's leading in Florida right now (no one is supposed to campaign there), and its a big state with lots of delegates, voting on Feb 5.

So guess what? Hillary wants to change the rules, and make those delegates count - after the fact. skeezy, in my humble opinion.

Read some here:
"Clinton roils vote dispute in presidential race" (Reuters)

EDIT: Whoops, I was wrong, the Florida election is this Tuesday along with the Republicans. Because no campaigning has gone on there and Hillary is the "name" candidate, look for her to do well and use it as a way to try to steal momentum and headlines from Obama, even though it doesn't count.

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