Friday, March 7, 2008

Can You Call Back At Say, 4 AM?

The Chicago Tribune looks at Hillary's claims of experience handling foreign crises one by one, and doesn't find too much there:

But while Hillary Clinton represented the U.S. on the world stage at important moments while she was first lady, there is scant evidence that she played a pivotal role in major foreign policy decisions or in managing global crises...

"How does going to Beijing and giving a speech show crisis management? There was no crisis. And there was nothing to manage," Rice said.
I won't point out the irony around the fact that one of her "acts" of crisis management was a speech.

Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo (somewhat of a Clinton supporter!) questions Hillary "using" this issue:
But what's most needed is temperament, maturity and judgment. Detailed expertise can come from advisors...Others think it's precisely the expertise that's needed...Hillary Clinton seems to think she's a strong contender in this latter category. But that's a joke. She's starting her second term in the US senate, where, yes, she serves on the Armed Services committee. Beside that she's never held elective office and she has little executive experience. I think she can argue that she'd make and would make a strong commander-in-chief. But she's pushing a metric by which she's little distinguishable from Barack Obama. I'm honestly surprised she's not drawing chuckles on this one.

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